Tuesday, 16 September 2014

United Nations Credentials Committee September 16 2014

Question : Will the Haudenosaunee exercise the historical and prevailing VETO right upon the United Nations in the event that there is a DENIAL of the Credentials Challenge against Crown Canada; namely, per the TWO ROW provisions; TEARS Question : Will The Haudenosaunee exercise their VETO right upon the UN ? therein, requiring vacating the territory ?
In 2013, Kwa'mutsun Nation Peoples [KWP] challenged by written submission to the UN the validity of Crown Canada's veracity to qualify as a nation state within the UN Charter Terms & Conditions ... And, further, in this 2014 : COMPLAINT : Kwa'mutsun Nation alleges Crown Canada is complicit in the recorded and acknowledged criminal and civil harm [including, desecration of infant remains] caused upon these seized  children contrary to fundamental human rights as caused upon 200,000 Original indigenous Peoples [the OIP] children; in excess of 5000 deaths, therein; and, the continued pursuit upon these OIP through abnormally high incarcerations and continued seizure of children into care in an abnormal and evident conspiratorial campaign for more than 100 years. And, that legal counsel representing these said victims, supra, have failed through their practice and oath-holding obligations to protect these victims - including, the demands of exorbitant fees in a double-dipping fashion. Monetary compensations to victims, to date, have been circa 10% of the standards provided to for non-indigenous victims in similar events. Existing documents have established the direct link of the monarch Elizabeth II to refusal of state-funded legal counsel to the victimized children.
Kwa'mutsun Nation proceeds through instructions via the KWP Head of State and Council.

The original KWP 2013 submission informed the United Nations of the allegations of impact upon the Crown with regard to the 1953 Coronation Oath duties of care upon Elizabeth II, as figurehead for the United Kingdom; Canada; and, the Windsor / Sax Coburg und Gotha empire in the matters of alleged unjust enrichment. It is public knowledge that the Mountbatten family regime remains as the principal party overlord at Windsor, et al.

Central in the KWP complaint to the UN is the issue of the argued compelling and in-the-public-interest Crown and state duty to provide to this KWP Complainant [individually; and, as Shqwi'qwal / Speaker or Counsel on behalf of the KWP nation; and, the general Original indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island North and its territories] state-funded competent legal counsel of choice; in particular due to the nation-to-nation realm of complaint : i.e, the complaint against the Respondent Crown Canada, et al, is that of the UN Charter, Chapter VII - illicit hostile military occupation in absence of specific UN Security Council sanction.

The Kwa'mutsun Nation suit at the UN seeks a declaration of original ultra vires standing upon Crown Canada due to corrupt information regarding nationhood standing at the League of Nations; and, consequently, as a founding member of the United Nations.
Huy'ch'qu' - Thank You - Merci - Miiqwich
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